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Genetic Testing

scientist sketching DNA structure.jpg

A genetic test analyses an individual's DNA to identify alterations that may impact on their health.

Diagnostic Genetic Testing

is used to confirm a genetic diagnosis in someone who already has symptoms of a suspected genetic condition.

Predictive Genetic Testing

is used to confirm a genetic diagnosis in someone who is at risk to develop a condition based on their family history.

Genetic Screening

is used to assess the likelihood of a genetic condition in you, your pregnancy or future offspring.

Genetic Profiling

is for someone who is curious about their ancestry, or wanting to change aspects of their lifestyle. We do not facilitate this type of non-medical genetic testing.

Choosing the right genetic test is important, to ensure that your health questions are being answered. Direct-to-consumer genetic tests (the ones you can order online for a small fee) often promise you detailed answers but fail to provide you with meaningful information about your genetic risk. 

If you have a family history of heart disease, cancer, a known genetic condition, or are just looking to understand if your genes may impact on your health, arrange an appointment and we can discuss your specific questions.


We can then recommend the right genetic test, which could be helpful in:

  • Establishing or confirming a genetic diagnosis, helping you access appropriate treatment options 

  • Identifying risks for additional symptoms that could be related to your condition

  • Identifying if you are at risk of developing a medical condition

  • Informing family members about their own potential risk to develop a medical condition

  • Opening up options for family planning



Pre-test genetic counselling consultation


A biological sample is collected from the individual (e.g. blood, saliva, cheek swab, tissue sample)


The sample is sent to an accredited genetic testing laboratory (local or international)


Analysis of genetic material (DNA, genes or chromosomes) at the laboratory


Genetic test report is generated and sent directly to the genetic counsellor (approx. 4 weeks)


Post-test genetic counselling consultation

The below table outlines the approximate costs of common genetic tests.

*The prices shown are subject to change and do not include logistics or shipping.

Genetic test

Hereditary cancer diagnostic testing

Other diagnostic genetic testing

Carrier screening

Carrier screening (partner)

Proactive genetic screening


~ £260

~ £300

~ £260

~ £200

~ £340

Different factors will influence the cost of genetic testing, such as: local vs. international testing laboratories, medical insurance coverage and payment plans.

Your situation is unique and there is no "one-size-fits-all" approach. Personalised advice will be provided during pre-test counselling so that you can make an informed choice about testing.

We do not believe in making a profit from your genetic testing, so there are no hidden costs.

Cost comparison example:

As an example, for an individual recently diagnosed with breast cancer seeking genetic testing privately, they can expect to pay approximately £1500 for their genetic testing (excluding genetic counselling) at a local laboratory.

If this same individual chose to work with our service the total cost they can expect to pay is approximately £610 =

£260 (genetic test) + £100 (shipping costs to international laboratory) + £250 (pre- and post-test genetic counselling)

If a genetic alteration is found as the cause of their breast cancer, their relatives will also benefit from genetic testing at no additional cost at the same laboratory within a set timeframe after their results. 

Genetic counselling and genetic testing go hand-in-hand. 

"Can I not just have the genetic test, then call you if I have questions?"

This question is not uncommon, but does highlight a misunderstanding about the complexities of genetic testing. As healthcare professionals, it is our responsibility to our patients to ensure that we are ordering appropriate genetic testing. Review of your personal and family medical histories will allow us to counsel you about genetic testing options that are applicable to you. 


It is also extremely important to provide informed consent. To be informed, you would need to know about the benefits, limitations and implications of genetic testing. This would be covered in pre-test genetic counselling.

Genetic results can be complex and are not always a yes/no answer. Genetic counselling aims to support individuals through their genetic testing journey and to ensure that their results are interpreted in the context of their personal and family history to be incorporated into their healthcare plan.

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